A bela de hoje, Juliana Bittencourt, passou por uma nada fácil. Em 2014, ela contratou a empresa de Bianca Andrade pra maquiá-la no dia do seu casamento. Mas ninguém apareceu no horário combinado.
O caso foi parara na Justiça e terminou com um acordo entre as duas, no último e deste mês, na 7ª Vara Cível do Rio de Janeiro, com Bianca pagando Juliana em R$15 mil.
O advogado de Bianca, Alexandre Salamoni, divulgou um comunicado sobre a audiência: “A Bianca não indenizou a noiva. Foi feito um acordo e este não reconhece direito a indenização ou condenação, mas sim encerra o processo sem a discussão se cada parte está certa ou errada. (Reproduzido do Jornal de Brasília).
Today's beauty, Juliana Bittencourt, has been through nothing. In 2014, she hired Bianca Andrade's company to make it on her wedding day. But no one showed up on time.
The case was stopped in court and ended with an agreement between the two, in the last and of this month, in the 7th Civil Court of Rio de Janeiro, with Bianca paying Juliana in R $ 15 thousand.
Bianca's lawyer, Alexandre Salamoni, issued a statement on the hearing: "Bianca did not indemnify the bride. An agreement has been made and the latter does not recognize the right to compensation or conviction, but terminates the proceeding without discussion if each part is right or wrong. (Source: Jornal de Brasília)
The case was stopped in court and ended with an agreement between the two, in the last and of this month, in the 7th Civil Court of Rio de Janeiro, with Bianca paying Juliana in R $ 15 thousand.
Bianca's lawyer, Alexandre Salamoni, issued a statement on the hearing: "Bianca did not indemnify the bride. An agreement has been made and the latter does not recognize the right to compensation or conviction, but terminates the proceeding without discussion if each part is right or wrong. (Source: Jornal de Brasília)
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