Tempinho depois, ela falou ao site www.netvasco.com.br, revelando ser residente no subúrbio carioca de Bangu. Considerava-se pessoa teimosa e não temia declarar-se "grossa com quem merece que eu seja". Mais: "Não faço nada para agradar, só o que acho que é certo".
Raíssa se dizia vascaína desde quando estava na barriga da mãe que, mesmo barriguda, não perdia jogos vascaínos. Tinha Roberto Dinamite por maior ídolo cruzmaltino, era grata aos fotógrafos e cinegrafistas que propagavam a sua beleza, mas acreditava que a torcidas feminina do Vasco da Gama tivesse outras meninas mais belas do que ela – impossível!

As the crowd wanted to know who the beautiful "cat in the Hill" was, the blog "Feeling Do not Stop" discovered that her name was Raíssa Bergiante and she had been a management student.
Soon after, she spoke to www.netvasco.com.br, revealing herself to be a resident in the suburb of Rio de Janeiro, considered herself a stubborn person and was not afraid to declare herself "coarse with who deserves me to be." More: "I do not do anything to please, just what I think is right".
Raissa had said vascaína since when she was in the belly of her mother, who, even in her belly, did not lose Basque games. Roberto Dinamite had a bigger crossmaltino idol, was grateful to the photographers and cameramen who spread his beauty, but he believed that Vasco da Gama's female fans had other girls more beautiful than her - impossible !
Soon after, she spoke to www.netvasco.com.br, revealing herself to be a resident in the suburb of Rio de Janeiro, considered herself a stubborn person and was not afraid to declare herself "coarse with who deserves me to be." More: "I do not do anything to please, just what I think is right".
Raissa had said vascaína since when she was in the belly of her mother, who, even in her belly, did not lose Basque games. Roberto Dinamite had a bigger crossmaltino idol, was grateful to the photographers and cameramen who spread his beauty, but he believed that Vasco da Gama's female fans had other girls more beautiful than her - impossible !
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