Como devem se sentir as torcedoras dos outros times, vendo deusas como esta, que o Kike viu e reproduz do No mínimo, carregandouma tremenda inveja, porque os seus fabricantes não tinham a competência dos pais destas meninas. Elas são tão tão,tão belas, deslumbrantemente, que parecem saídas do desenho de um competentíssimo artista, por computador. Mas são reais. Podes crer!
How should the fans of the other teams feel, seeing Gods like this one, that Kike saw and reproduced from At the very least, they are extremely jealous, because their manufacturers did not have the competence of the parents of these crossmaline girls. They are so dazzling that they seem to come out of the drawing of a very competent artist on the computer. But they are real. You can believe it!
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